Asbestos & Demolition

Online Notification System


Privacy Disclaimer for "Online Notifications"

Important Information for Users of Online Notifications

Online Notifications is a computer application developed by SafeWork New South Wales (SafeWork). The Online Notifications application collects information about events or situations that are required to be notified to SafeWork. Users of this application are granted access by SafeWork. This access is personally identifiable, that is, SafeWork knows that it is you accessing the system. Information collected by the Online Notifications application is used for the purpose of SafeWork activities only. The process of data collection, storage and removal in this electronic format is governed by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

Non-availability, Interruptions and Faults in Using the Service

SafeWork will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Online Notifications application is available for Internet users. However, SafeWork cannot guarantee to provide continuously available access to the service through this web site nor to provide access, which is uninterrupted, or fault-free.

Security of the Online Notifications Web Site

SafeWork is the provider of the Online Notification application and website. All information on this site is protected by an encryption protocol. This protocol provides secure transfer for all exchange of information between the Online Notification web site and all approved users of this service.

Changing and Updating Personal Information

All changes to the personal information for Online Notification application users can be submitted by authorised users online. SafeWork will not disclose or publish information which identifies individuals, or potentially identifies sub-groupings of addresses, without consent or otherwise, in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Access to the raw data is restricted to specific officers at SafeWork for analysis and to assess the success of SafeWork in meeting its objectives.

Data Retention

The information about individual system users will be retained in the system for the duration of its business usage.

All data pertaining to the Online Notification activities will be retained according to the rules of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.


This site contains cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is sent back to your computer’s hard drive from a host web site. The cookies used on this site do not contain any personal information or information that could identify an individual or organisation. The cookies are used to allow proper navigation of our web site. You may wish to set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to allow it on to your hard drive. However, if you decide to not accept our cookies, you will not be able to use the online notification system.

The cookies on our site do not:
  • read the information on your hard drive
  • make your computer perform any actions, or
  • make your computer send information to any other computer via the Internet.


Copyright in all the material in or relating to the online notifications application, and on this web site, (including the SafeWork logo), is vested in the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, subject to the Copyright Act 1968.

Any use of the material in or relating to the online notifications application that is not expressly permitted by SafeWork NSW, including (but not confined to) alteration, transmission or reproduction of such material for commercial use is strictly prohibited unless the express prior written permission of SafeWork has been obtained.

All inquiries should be directed to the communications group via email

Other matters

To the fullest extent permitted by law, SafeWork NSW expressly excludes and disclaims any loss or damage suffered by a person who uses or attempts to use the Online Notifications application or website, or any other part of the SafeWork NSW website.


Any questions or comments regarding this statement can be submitted by using the feedback form located under the "Contact Us" option on the main system menu.

The text of this Disclaimer was last updated: 28/10/2015