Asbestos & Demolition

Online Notification System


FAQ - ONS Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions have been grouped into sections based on the process of utilising ONS.

The sections are:
Click for more information 1. Getting Ready to Use the Online Notification System (ONS)
Q.1 I have multiple licences. Do I need to make a separate registration for each licence?

A. Yes

Q.2 Can I lodge my notification by methods other than online?
Q.3 Is there a limit to the size of an notification attachment?
Q.4 What do I need to create a new User?
Q.5 Can all our Users provide the same email address?
Click for more information 2. Registering to use the Online Notification System (ONS)
Click for more information 3. Using the Online Notification System (ONS)
Click for more information 4. I’ve completed my ONS notification. What now?