/* FontSizer v2.0 Javascript to dynamically change font sizes on a web page. Coded by Phil Nash of www.unintentionallyblank.co.uk Cookies script courtesy of http://www.quirksmode.org/js/cookies.html Measuring the current font size courtesy of http://www.alistapart.com/articles/fontresizing ** Please don't remove this notice ** See http://www.unintentionallyblank.co.uk/ for full details To use the code, upload this file to your site's main directory and add the following lines to the
element of your site: */ // addDOMLoadEvent provides an event that fires when the DOM is ready, rather than when all the content has loaded. addDOMLoadEvent=(function(){var e=[],t,s,n,i,o,d=document,w=window,r='readyState',c='onreadystatechange',x=function(){n=1;clearInterval(t);while(i=e.shift())i();if(s)s[c]=''};return function(f){if(n)return f();if(!e[0]){d.addEventListener&&d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",x,false);/*@cc_on@*//*@if(@_win32)d.write("